Nourishing You!
Moms need support to take care of themselves after having a baby!
We want to help new moms to eat better and feel better!
We are offering monthly classes to promote healthy eating. We invite you to come for a series of four classes.
The classes provide information on eating balanced, healthy meals and snacks.
Participants will learn new ways to prepare healthy meals with whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and a variety of protein sources.
Each class will feature a new recipe.
And, we will provide information on how to select healthier foods.
This program offers:
- Monthly nutrition education classes
- Food demonstrations, recipes, and ingredients to prepare at home
- Food boxes delivered to the home
- Gifts at each class!
When? Classes are offered monthly.
Where? Florence WIC Office, 501 East Florence Ave., Los Angeles, 90003
Who is eligible?
- Birthparents who do not have WIC benefits after six months postpartum, AND
- Parent has an infant less than one year old on WIC
Questions? For more information call: (424) 529-5863
Nourishing You!
If you are interested in the program please fill out the form below.